Living in the Ark

Living in the Ark
safe and sound in a world gone mad

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rich man, Poor man: a modern retelling with a point.

"Get up, vagrant. You can't be here," he heard the voice say.

He wearily opened his eyes and looked up. Standing before him with an angry and worried look on his face, stood a man in a nice three peace suit. The man was looking around anxiously, obviously concerned about people seeing him here.

"What's your name," the man asked?

With a groggy voice, he responded, "Lazarus."

"Well Lazarus, you need to get up and get going. It's 7:30 AM and our first service is at 8:30. The congregation will soon start arriving and you can't be here when they get here."

Lazarus sat up slowly, in shock. He'd been run out of a lot of places since he'd lost everything. But, he never expected to be hurried away from a church. He had thanked God for leading him here last night, as he'd lain down on the front walkway. He'd felt at peace there, in front of the massive glass and brass doors of the cathedral. He just knew that here, at last, was a place that not only had the money, but because they were Christians, had the will to help people like him to get back on his feet.

He heard a phone ring and looked up. The man, who hadn't bothered to introduce himself, reached into his suit coat and pulled out a smart phone.

"Hello," the man answered with a pasted on smile and false happiness in his voice.

The man listened and answered, "Yes, sir pastor. I just got here and I'll take care of that just as soon as I can get inside and turn everything on."

"The pastor," Lazarus thought happily. Maybe if he could extend his exit so that he was still there when the pastor arrived, he could get some help. Surely a man of God would see his need and extend a helping hand, right?

"No problem, sir," the man continued. "You can count on me."
The man listened some more and responded with a congenial laugh, "You're very welcome, sir. It was my pleasure to do it. Any time you need me to fill in and preach or teach or any other thing, you just ask. That's what I'm here for."

Lazarus sucked in a sharp breath, so much so that it started him into one of his coughing fits. As he struggled to get his breath and stop coughing, he thought, "This rude man is a preacher? Really?"

The preacher man looked at him angrily as he continued his talk with his pastor. "What's that, sir? The coughing is coming from a vagrant man I found asleep in front of the church doors this morning. He was actually covered up with our doormat, if you can believe that!"

Lazarus was still coughing, but he felt a little more hopeful, now that the pastor had been told he was there.

"Yes, sir," the preacher man said into the phone. "I'll see to it as soon as I get off the phone."

"Good," thought Lazarus. "Maybe I'm gonna get some help after all, I'm at the end of my rope. I know this cancer is getting worse. I've lost my family and friends. I've lost my home and job. Now, I'm losing my health. I was a somebody at one time, Lord. I had a nice family, a nice home, a good university job, and the respect of many people. Then, I met you, Lord. And I've lost it all for you......." Then, he thought "Forgive me, Lord. I'm not complaining. I'd rather have you than anything this world has to offer."

The preacher man hung up and started striking Lazarus on his back.

"Stop that coughing and get up." Did the man really think that slapping his back would help him breath? He was coughing, not choking on food.

Lazarus finally managed to stop coughing. He struggled to catch his breath. His barely hanging on third hand tennis shoes squeaked on the concrete as he tried to rise. His hands rested on the holes in the knees of his dirty, old brown corduroy pants. His too large and thread bare blue, long sleeve shirt hung off of him like a tent. He'd lost a lot of weight due to his illness and lack of funds. He'd only stayed alive by the grace of God and the occasional soup kitchen.

The sound of an approaching car caught his attention before he could make another effort to rise.

Both he and preacher man watched as a pearl white, Escalade limo pulled into the pull through area in front of them. There was a brick overhang there to keep people dry in bad weather when they were dropped at the door. The huge car stopped. The driver, who was dressed well and wore sunglasses, got out and hurried around to open the rear door for the pastor to get out. As he did this, two more doors opened and two huge men in suits and sunglasses got out. One of them carried an ornate Bible, They looked and acted like body guards. Both had immediately scanned the surroundings for possible threats and had stopped with their backs toward the opening car door- forming a protective corridor for the pastor to walk through.

When the pastor exited the car, he glanced around with a stern face. Then his eyes had found Lazarus and stared.

"Brother Johnson," the pastor said.

Immediately, the preacher left Lazarus, who was still trying to get up, and ran to the pastor's side.

The pastor gave Lazarus one more scowl, faced the preacher man, and said, "He's still here, I see."

"Yes, sir. He had a coughing fit and he's very weak. He's still trying to get up."

"It's an act," said the pastor. He then turned and spoke to his guards, "John. Bob. Escort this gentleman to the edge of the property. He can't be here when the people get here. Our congregation is full of important people. They don't want to see a vagrant on the grounds when they arrive,"

Then, as if to show he had some compassion, the pastor turned a cold smile at Lazarus and said, "I'm sure you understand. But, we do have a soup kitchen and clothes closet downtown on third street. You can get one meal a day and one outfit a month there. It's called 'The Master's house.' I'm sure you can find it."

Lazarus's heart fell in sadness as he was lifted up by the body guards and carried away. They dropped him by the road and walked away. Lazarus' sobs rose to heaven as he watched them enter the church. He started coughing again. This time, blood filled his hands. He fell over, eyes still focused on the church. As his eyes closed in death, he thought he could see Jesus standing outside the church doors knocking- trying to gain entrance.

When Lazarus' eyes opened, all he could see was pure white light. He no longer felt sick. As he was pulled into the light, he felt love like he'd never known. Then he heard, "Well done, my dearly beloved child, enter ye into glory." And Angels began to sing!

After the church services were over, the pastor was leaving the building and noticed that the vagrant was still laying by the road. His anger flashed! What did the crazy man think he was doing?

He was so angry that he didn't wait to command the body guards, uh..deacons, to go and see. He went himself.

As he walked, he shouted, "You there! Didn't we tell you to leave? I told you this was no place for you and where to find help. What more do you want?"

When he reached the edge of the road, he saw the vacant stare in the vagrants eyes.

"Great," he thought. "How many of our folks noticed him lying there dead? I hope the mayor didn't see him."

He pulled out his cell phone and was dialing 911 when he heard the screech of a car losing control. Before he could even look, something struck him and the world went black.

The pastor awoke to pain like he'd never known! He felt like he was burning, though he could see little. He could hear screams all around him and could make out that he was in a lake of fire. "Oh no," he screamed! "NOOO!!!!!"

Luke 16:19-23King James Version (KJV)

19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.




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